Sunday, September 30, 2007

First Earthquake

Apparently there was an earthquake last night - 4.7 on the Richter scale - but I didn't feel a thing. Slept through it all. Part of me is glad ~ I've never been in an earthquake before, and I'm not necessarily looking forward to feeling that sensation for the first time. But on the other hand, because I have never been in an earthquake before, there is a strange intrigue and curiosity that has got part of me looking forward to the very experience that I'm not looking forward to. Sounds a bit schizophrenic, I know. Seeing as how this is the first earthquake that Tauranga has had since we've moved here, I might be waiting quite a while until the next one, though Aaron (a self-appointed seismologist these days) thinks we're due for a big one sometime soon. Who would know.


Anonymous said...

Hey! Earthquakes are pretty cool, (that is of course except for the kind that cause damage), but the fairly little ones are cool. I've felt a few since moving to NZ! It's just a funny feeling where the house shakes a little, actually not that much more strange than when a big thunder boom hits. :) I actually think I felt one a couple weeks ago, either that or my house had a mini seizure. :) In saying all that, I'm very happy to never experience a big one!!!!

Anonymous said...

Hey, Steve read my comment and said I should have described them like a big truck driving by your house, or a train going by. That's probably a good example!