Saturday, February 18, 2006

Fishing In New Zealand

Yesterday, the boys went fishing. I wasn't there, but I was told that it was quite an operation. They put a long line in - a 1km line with 25 hooks on it. They tied the end of the line to the kayak, and Josh paddled out a km. They drop the line with a weight, kayak back in while leaving the line out there for an hour, and then pull it in. Fortunately for us, they came home with a couple good-sized snapper that fed 6 people. Nic cooked it up in foil with lemon, garlic, and some mixed herbs.....and after a short trip to the fish 'n chip shop to pick up 4 scoops (translation - a large amount of fries).....we had ourselves quite a dinner. Nothing like fresh fish just caught out of the Pacific Ocean.


Anonymous said...

I think that Kristi Walsh is the best hostess in the world----- you are incredible. you bake cookies, make granola, cook amazing meals and you have moved to New Zealand. You are the bravest person in the world and my hero this week!!!!! And you are the best landlord in the world!!! LOVE Gick-key

Anonymous said...

This is definitely something I'l like to try if a novice can be allowed on board. And the idea of such fresh fish, my mouth is watering already.

"4 scoops"? Then what do they call a big icecream cone? PW