Friday, February 17, 2006

Flies and Rugby

There are more flies here than I think I may have ever seen in one place in my whole life. I'm still trying to sort out why there are no screens in the windows.....I guess the New Zealanders really aren't bothered by the flies too much. Unfortunately for this American, I find them to be quite a nuisance. Now, lest you think that we live in a third world country, they do have fly spray and fancy things like that that are meant to reduce the fly population. But in my short, humble experience, the fly spray hasn't worked yet. I think we need to take our approach to the next level and look into other fancier means of eliminating them. (If any of you kiwis have any bright ideas, your comments are most welcome!). Now that I've done a sufficient job of venting my frustration, I think it's only fair to my readers - and to myself - that I look on the bright side of the situation. I'm learning that keeping proper perspective is essential to keep homesickness at bay. So....on the bright side....although there is a dramatic increase in the fly population compared to America, I am overjoyed by the fact that the snake population is completely nonexistant. There have been several times I look in the tall grass of a field (or my backyard, for that matter) thinking, "ooh...I hate to think what snakes are in there" ....only to remember that there are none. Not one anywhere. I think I am still as in awe of that fact as I was when I was 7 years old. Now that certainly is a bright side of living here.

As for another bright spot in living here (in Aaron's world) - the rugby! There's a game on tele (TV) tonight, and we're hosting a small party. Although I'm not sure it will be so small. Word has a way of getting around here....good thing there's 4 dozen chocolate-chocolate chip cookies in the pantry needing to be eaten tonight!