Saturday, March 18, 2006

The Commonwealth Games

The commonwealth games started a few days ago. Now, for those of you reading this blog who aren't a citizen of a commonwealth nation (most of you out there, I'm assuming), and have probably never heard of the commonwealth games, let me take this opportunity to inform you what they are (I'd never heard of them, either, until this past week). The commonwealth games are just like the olympics, except only for nations belonging to the commonwealth. (Hmmm....profound name, I know). It's been pretty fun to watch. Taylor really enjoyed watching the gymnastics yesterday. I wouldn't be surprised if she's a little gymnist or ballerina someday, the way she loves dancing and all......

Speaking of dancing, it reminds me that we have some cute pictures of Taylor in her 'dancing dress' that a good friend from CT bought us last October. And since I'm way overdue for posting pictures (that will be remedied once our container arrives with my camera software CD), I figured this would be a good picture to post (even though it was taken in October!)

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