Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Is This Home, or Just Where I Live?

I've been thinking recently about what it is about a place that makes it home. Or, perhaps it might be more accurate to say that I'm really wondering if New Zealand will ever feel like home, and if so, how long it will take for it to feel that way. I've heard myself saying occasionally, "I miss home....." Which is what got me to thinking....funny how Kansas City is still referred to as "home", even I don't live there anymore. I guess it has to do with a lot of things - friends are still there, family is there, and of course, it represents everything familiar and nothing foreign. It's amazing how much our country of origin is such a part of who we are - a part of us that can never be changed or altered. At the very core of my being, I am American. Although I can adopt new world views or new ways of doing things, I can never be kiwi. And I imagine that I will always feel most at home and most comfortable when in America or amongst Americans. Who knows. Maybe in several years I'll prove my own theories wrong, but that's just how it feels now. It's funny how simply being from a certain physical location affects so much of who we are and what our life looks like - and defines our concept of "home".

So, the questions remains. Will New Zealand ever feel like home? What is it about a place that makes it home? Will I always feel like a foreigner living in a strange land? I suppose I always will ~ until I step into that glorious realm called 'eternity' and find that I really am a citizen of another country.......


Anonymous said...

Well Kristi, i've been here almost 10 years and while it seems like home b/c my family lives here, America is still my home in a lot of ways. i don't consider myself a Kiwi yet (but going through the process of getting my Kiwi citizenship for a passport)altho, when i go back to America, i feel like a foreigner to some extent. but i still call America home. must have something to do with my parents still living there??
Esther in NZ

Anonymous said...

I used to feel that way, but I must admit that now New Zealand is more home to me than America. While I know that I will always be American and I love that, I find that I feel more at home here now. I think it's not so much where we are from I think it's more who we are with that makes a place home. I was watching Faith Hill on Oprah (yeah, the life of a housewife!) and Oprah asked her how she knew her husband was the one and she said "he felt like home". While that is a bit corny, I think it's kinda true. I've been thinking the people in our lives is what can make a place feel like home. I now call Tauranga home....wonder if Wellington will ever feel like home?