Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Quick Update

I've just sat down to enjoy a few minutes of quiet in the middle of our day. Taylor is sleeping, and our interns arrive in 15 minutes for afternoon class at our house. It's nice to be able to sit down and put my feet up!

We had a great morning in the prayer room. The interns have caught onto the model really quick - they're doing a great job leading worship, praying, and's been awesome watching them get their confidence and begin to soar. I wasn't leading or singing today, so it was nice to be able to enjoy the prayer meeting from the other side of the room, while entertaining Taylor at the same time. She did great in there this morning; kept herself busy coloring and eating goldfish (thanks, Nana) and walking around with mom and dad singing and praying and dancing. I love having her in that atmosphere - what a gift to her and to us.

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