Saturday, March 04, 2006

To Discover the Moon.....

The trip to Taupo was a 'smashing' success....except for the fact that I forgot my camera! :-) It was great to see Andy and Bek again - and their little girl is beautiful. Taylor played with her wonderfully - she (Abigail) was lying on the floor on a blanket, and every time that her pacifier fell out of her mouth, Taylor would pick it up and put it back in her mouth. She loved being a 'helper'! She also gently rubbed Abigail's tummy, and gave her kisses....she was so sweet!

Taylor also discovered the moon tonight. We were sitting in our living room, and she looked through our sliding glass doors, pointed to the moon in the sky, and said, "moon". That was the story of the night.....she kept pointing it out to could tell she was so proud of herself for finding it!


Jaime said...

Randall loves the moon, too! He used to ask about it 24/7 and want to see it every chance he got. How fun to watch them learn and explore! Taylor is a cutie!

Anonymous said...

There is nothing that captures lovers hearts as much as the moon. Poetry, books, lyrics, and memories line the pages of history.

Boys more than girls tend to analyze it and want to go there. I think Taylor is a lover and a future worshiper.