Sunday, October 22, 2006

A Potpouri of Subjects...

Aaron got off good today to Fiji. It's funny what perspective does.....there was a time in our marriage when him being gone for any longer than just a weekend seemed like a long time. Now, if he's gone for less than 2 weeks, it's nothing! :-)

The interns have been serving incredibly this weekend at a community outreach called "Party in the Park" which was held this afternoon. It is what it is - a party in the park - that is put on by a local church and also by a local Christian non-profit organization that works with underpriviledged children and provides housing for those whose parents aren't able to raise them. It was pretty low-key in terms of proclaiming the Gospel, basically just a practical way for the local church to get out and serve the community. The interns were on-site available to pray for anyone with any needs, and also just to "prayer walk" around the park. They also served like crazy helping to set everything up, and also tearing everything down tonight. They'll enjoy their much-deserved day off tomorrow!

This event was held in a park on literally the worst street in the roughest neighborhood in Tauranga. Nothing like New York City, but definitely pretty rough in comparison with other neighborhoods around here. It was the first time since we moved here that I really saw that part of the city. I was definitley out of my comfort zone, but it was really good for me to see this part of our city, not just mid-to-upper class suburbia. It helped me to get a broader picture and fuller understanding of the city we live in; to get a small, short glimpse into what life might be like for some people on the other side of town; to hopefully be reminded again of the Father's heart for the poor; and to now have faces in my mind for the people that we are laboring in prayer for when we're in the prayer room each morning.

So, with Aaron gone this week, I'm teaching on Tuesday afternoon and Wednesday night, but not my usual Friday night. So that means that I've got only a couple more days to put some notes together. Yikes! I think I better get to work. (Or maybe get some of the two!)

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