Sunday, October 01, 2006

Home Safe and Sound

My last few days in the States were as wonderful as could be - savoring last moments with friends and family, doing lots of last-minute shopping, and trying to sleep in between it all.

Taylor was incredible on the flights home. She slept for 9-10 hours from L.A. to Auckland (no exaggeration), and I think that I got perhaps the best sleep I have ever gotten on that flight. We're still feeling a bit jet-lagged on this end, but traveling west is much easier than traveling east, so hopefully within a few days we'll be back to normal.

So, after traveling so extinsively the last few weeks, I have made a couple of acute observations on the differences between New Zealand and America, especially when it comes to airports. You know you're in New Zealand when....

.....The flight attendant approaches you immediately when you find your seat on the airplane, asks if you're traveling alone (with a sleeping toddler), helps you get settled, and then brings you a glass of water. Repeat scenario while waiting for luggage, this time by an airport volunteer who helped me get all my bags through customs.....with no tipping expected or required.

.....While sitting in the airport waiting lounge in Auckland, not one person in sight was talking on a cell phone or using a laptop. Yes, in some ways it feels like America 20 years ago.

......Also while sitting in the said airport, there is a group of about 7 guys obviously part of a rubgy team waiting for their flight. They're passing the time by throwing a rugby ball around inside the airport. And no one stops them.

.....Once on the plane, not only was the cockpit door unlocked, but it was left wide open for the duration of the flight. And did I mention that no one is required to go through any sort of security screening? Maybe that has something to do with the fact that the plane only seats maximum of 20 people - and that's a generous count.

I don't think we're in Kansas anymore.....


Esther Irwin said...

Welcome back, Kristi!! Sorry I missed you on Friday, but I will come back soon, for sure in Nov.

Before 9-11 we didn't have to go through the xrays in the domestic terminals either. That was great; just show up and get on the airplane. But even those days are gone. True, it's not as bad as in the States. I think most people don't get there early enough to open their laptops, but I've seen plenty of people with cell phones. Most use the txt instead of talking.

Yep, the rugby guys can do anything they want here. It's the official religion.

Joshua and Misty Cole said...

Hey Kristi!
I am so glad you are back safe and sound! It's really quite fun to go back and forth between cultures, don't you think? As far as airline service goes...I would say Air New Zealand wins hands done. I love getting coffee and tea on every flight!