Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Question of the day....

Is it stranger to have Christmas in summer, or no Christmas in winter?

This, my friends, is worth pondering.


Randy Bohlender said...

That place is beginning to sound like Narnia...."Always winter, never Christmas...."

Anonymous said...

Hey Kristi,
having been here for 10 winters now and 10 Christmas's, i quite like it!! Christmas in the summer is way more fun than in the winter. putting up lights in the summer is way better!! you get to stay up later to see the lights, but that's ok. Fish & chips on the beach for Christmas Eve!! Next day throw the steaks on the barbie, drink some vino and life is sweet. cruise on down to the beach, lay on it for awhile, swim when you get too hot, (don't forget the sunscreen!) and contemplate life, God and all that He made. Can't do that in Kansas or MO or NY winters!! Besides, winter here really isn't winter like in Ks or even NY!! it rains, no snow or even frost; my kind of winter. if i could have summer all year round, i would. AND! there are no snakes or poisonous spiders!! A white Christmas, in my opinion, is overrated.
Esther, sold on NZ!!

Kristi Walsh said...

believe me, I have thought of that phrase on more than one occasion....the good(?) news is that it doesn't snow at least it's not too much of a tease. But I have to confess, I wouldn't be too disappointed to look out my window one morning and see snow. Provided there was central heating inside......

Kristi Walsh said...

Esther - being a new england girl, i must say, I love white Christmases. I'm one of those hardcore holiday people....but who knows....maybe the summer christmas will grow on me.

Anonymous said...

The correct answer (for 4 points) is "Christmas in Summer" (choice A).

Proof: Christmas comes from December 25 not from cold (July). Kristi, there is nothing left to ponder on this one except why this very short post generated more responses than any other since you started. PW