Monday, May 01, 2006

Silence is golden....well, maybe not in this context.

I must apologize for my silence recently. As I'm sure you can imagine, unpacking a container full of stuff and trying to get organized while still carrying on with life full steam has left me very tired. And did I mention that our precious almost-two-year-old is in on the action, too? Let the reader understand.....

But to her credit, she has turned into quite the little helper - for real. Take for instance, the other night. I was in the living room doing something, and Taylor was in her room. A few minutes later, she came running in, saying excitedly, "Helper, helper!" I went to see what she was talking about, and found that she had picked up all her shoes scattered across her floor and put them in the correct basket - all by herself - without me even having to ask her. Can we please maintain this behavior, for the next, say, 16 years?

Slowly, but surely, the house is coming along. There are still quite a few unpacked boxes that have fallen by the wayside in the midst of being a wife, being a mom, leading an internship, preparing to lead prayer meetings, preparing (and actually teaching) classes on the Song of Solomon, preparing for the next internship starting in August, doing the laundry, doing the grocery shopping, trying to sell our house back wonder life has felt pretty crazy the last week or so.

Speaking of our house, it's now under contract, as of yesterday. Yeah! Hopefully everything will go smoothly from now until closing, which will be the end of May. If everything goes through, this is a massive answer to prayer.


Jaime said...

Lots of exciting and tiring changes! (tiring as in the unpacking) I'm glad you're getting settled in and have a contract on your other house! Have a great day!

Kristi Walsh said...

Hi Chaplain Mike, Glad you've enjoyed my blog and reading about all that's going on here in NZ - it's awesome that you found it. Tell my Grandparents I said hi and that I love them and miss them. Thanks so much for remembering us in your prayers each morning. It means a lot to us. Blessings, Kristi