Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Someone turns two on Friday....

I can't believe it's been almost two years since we brought our little princess home from the hospital. Wow. But we'll save the reminiscing for later.....

I've decided to forego the big party this year, and stick with a small celebration with just the family. She's still little enough that she doesn't know the difference, and it's been so full-on recently that, well, I figured we'd save the party for another year when she could understand more what it's about. When they're this little, the birthday parties are still mostly for the parents anyway!

A few weeks back, we got out the book with the pictures of all the different birthday cakes, and Taylor chose the "moon cake" (since she loves the moon so much) - so the moon cake it is. I'm going to continue the theme by making some cut-out moons and stars from yellow cardstock to hang from the ceiling - along with streamers and balloons, too. And of course we have to throw some pink in the color scheme, too, since this is a little girl's birthday, after all.....

And we got two packages in the mail today - one from Aaron's parents, and one from mine - and she doesn't know they came. So of course we're saving them for her to open on her birthday, which will only add to the fun.

So all in all, things are shaping up nicely for the big day at the end of the week. I think I'm more excited about it than she is! I can't imagine who much fun it will be when she's old enough to be excited about it with us.......

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