Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Welcome to the blog world, Kelsey!

One of my dear friends from Kansas City, Kelsey, has just started blogging.

I met Kelsey for the first time when she and her husband Randy invited Aaron and I out to their place in Cincinnati to help them do some fundraising in preparation for their transition to Kansas City to join staff at the International House of Prayer. I knew immediately that we would be friends. Although we never spent copious amounts of time together when we were both in KC (regrettably), we were both in the same moms group and still developed a good friendship. I have lots of respect and admiration for Kelsey. She's one of those people that's the "real deal", serious about her calling in life as a forerunner at the end of the age - while yet still very down-to-earth, an awesome mom of 3, and tons of fun to be around.

Anyways, I'm looking forward to reading more from Kelsey's world. Her thoughts promise to be a rich addition to the blogging world. I'm sure you'll find the same to be true.


Kelsey Bohlender said...

Wow, Kristi, what a stunning endorsement! Thanks, friend. And by the way, your blog rocks.

Anonymous said...

Yep, you are right, Kristi - that was the funniest blog i have read. in fact, it was the funniest thing i've read in a long while and right at a time that i needed to have a good belly laugh! Thanks Kelsey! i don't know you, but you ROCK!!