Friday, May 26, 2006

It's official.

We're moving. Again. *Groan*. *Sigh*. Admittedly, this time it's only half-way across town, as opposed to half-way around the world. This I have in my favor, yet the sound of another move less than two months from now sounds nearly as daunting. I was just starting to feel settled...... The ironic thing is that we're moving by choice, not by necessity. Allow me to tell the story.

Despite my less-than-enthusiastic attitude, I do think it's a God-thing. Rather, let me say that I'm fairly certain it is God-thing. And there are lots of positive aspects to it all....if I can just get past the "moving" part. The house we're moving into is owned by friends of ours, who kept telling us since we moved here that as soon as it was vacant, they wanted to give us the option to move in. We thought that might have been around the beginning of the year (next year, that is), giving us a full year in the house we're in now. Well, they just told us a few days ago that the people currently in the house are moving out on June 30th. They're going to do some work on it (paint and carpet), having it ready for us to move into by around July 15th, and they've told us we can help them pick the colors (yeah!). It's situated on a beautiful piece of land, with fruit trees and avocado trees and quite a spacious yard. It has 4 bedrooms (although the 4th is quite small), has an office, only one bathroom, but (hallelujah!) it does have a dishwasher! It's within walking distance of the place we're having the internship classes now, and is right next-door to the future site for the House of Prayer/Missions Base campus. Which all happens to be in my favorite suburb of Tauranga.

Oh.......and.....did I mention that it's the house we lived in with the family who hosted us when we came down here for three months last year? The poetry of God continues. He's been speaking all along. He's got me cornered. Checkmate. I might as well just go ahead and say "yes".

So, I guess it will soon be time to pull out all those boxes again. Good thing we saved 'em all.


Anonymous said...

gee, talk about trees! :)

Kristi Walsh said...

yeah, tons of dogwoods, though. (at least none that I know of. Do they even have dogwoods in NZ?)

Anonymous said...

what are dogwoods?

Jaime said...

Wow, very pretty! And green!

Sarah said...

The house looks awesome! I hope your move goes well. Thanks for leaving a comment on my blog!