Wednesday, August 15, 2007


I love my "home" days as much as I love my "prayer room" days. Today was a home day - which translated means cleaning and laundry and play time with Taylor and a small window of down time during her nap. I also ran around the mount this afternoon with Dayna - it was lots of fun doing it together; nice to have a running partner. I do have to admit that I like going up the mount better than running around. But alas, the main track is closed while they are working on it, so around we went. Dayna and I were mentioning after our run that there seriously couln't be a better place on the earth to exercise. The track around the mount is gorgeous - waves crashing in against the rocks, small areas of sandy beach, large tree branches hanging over the path, nothing but ocean and sky as far as the eye can see. Some days I have to pinch myself to remind me that yes, I really do live in such a beautiful place. I am amazed at how quickly I get used to it. I often like to think back to the first days that I came here and how awestruck I was with the beauty of it all. I find that I need to be deliberate to live in childlike wonder and appreciation of the amazing things that can all too quickly become normal. But isn't that true of most (yea, all) incredible things in life? From nature to relationships with loved ones to the profound spiritual truths. Many of us have grown up all our lives knowing the Bible stories and the facts that all too quickly become commonplace in our Christian experience, to the point where we lose the wonder of it all. He died on the cross. He lives on the inside of us. We will live forever with Him. I want to live like I heard it for the first time. I want to live like I have just been saved from the worst possible fate imaginable. I want to live like I have inherited a kingdom. I want to live fascinated.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You do not know me, but I just had to write and tell you what a blessing your blog is to me. My husband was just transferred to the KC area. We are originally from Iowa, and I have lived there my entire life. I feel as though my life was just turned upside down. We love IHOP and we know that is at least part of why we are here. We know it's so much bigger than a 'job transfer'. But, I must tell you, in the last 3 weeks since we moved, I have felt the weakness of my heart like never before as I grieve what I've left and begin to find out what the Lord has for us here.

I 'stumbled' upon your blog, and it's been such a huge blessing to me! Your warmth, humor, and 'realness' have been like a 'friend' when I have none here yet. Thank you.
