Thursday, August 23, 2007


It was another amazing day in Tauranga today. Spring sure is tempting us here; but before long, hopefully it will be here to stay. I thoroughly enjoyed my trek up the mount this afternoon - for no other reason than the cloudless blue sky and the beauty of the beach and ocean. And that great feeling you have after the workout is done!

So far, it's been a good week. I've been teaching class for the interns this week, which has been rewarding and challenging. Rewarding in the sense that there was much help from heaven, and the little feedback I received indicated that people's hearts were touched. Challenging in the sense that from my own perspective, I've realized how much I still have yet to grow in both revelation and in my ability to communicate clearly and effectively what is within my heart. Challenging also in the sense that teaching always brings me face to face with my own barrenness. Where is the power and the unction that was released in the days of old when Finney and Whitfield and Spurgeon preached? Oh, for us to see that again in an even greater measure in this generation.

This weekend, we have some friends from out of town coming to stay with us Friday and Saturday night, and then on Sunday, Aaron and Taylor and I head down to the South Island for a ministry trip. This will be my first time ever in the South Island; I'm so excited to see part of this country that I've never before seen; and everyone says the South Island is absolutely beautiful. It will also be fun to be on a ministry trip with Aaron. I can't remember when the last time was we got to do that as a family - probably when we came down to New Zealand for a few months in '05. The best part is that I don't have any responsibilities, so this will be somewhat of a 'vacation' - at least, for Taylor and I. Not sure what sort of internet access we'll have down there, so you may or may not hear from me while we're gone - but hopefully you will again before we leave!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


We enjoy reading your blog. Our names are Marc and Sallie Smith, our daughter Meghan is one of your current interns.

We were talking with our covenant friends Chris and Susan Berglund several days ago and they were commenting on how much they love you guys. And asked me to say hello from them to you. Apparently Chris misses playing golf with your husband!

My spy tells me that your teaching on the Holy Spirit was very good:)Thanks for standing on the wall.

Marc and Sallie Smith
Seattle, WA.