Monday, August 13, 2007

What to write about?

I hate those days when there is the desire to blog, the time to blog, but nothing apparent to blog about. Some call it writers block. Others call it a lack of creativity or the inability to take small, seemingly insignificant events or thoughts and turn them into something profound or interesting. Whatever you choose to call it, I seem to be suffering from it tonight. I could tell you all that I did today, but somehow I imagine that others may find that rather dull and uninteresting. I could tell you about what is happening in the house of prayer, but not much has changed since the last things I have shared. I could tell you about the latest revelations I've received in the place of prayer, but those don't seem to be too profound, either. So on a day like today, you get the raw, real me and the raw, real thoughts traveling through my mind as I sit here and stare at my computer screen and try to come up with something profound to write about. Good thing I'm not trying to make a living off of this thing called writing.

Time to get ready for bed. Hopefully tomorrow's post will be a bit more interesting than today's.

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