Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Awesome phone plan

So here's a piece of random information for you. Telecom (our phone provider) has just come out with a new long-distance plan that will suit us well. $45 a month now allows us to call anyone, anytime - both domestic and international numbers - for up to 2 hrs. per phonecall, not to exceed 6000 minutes a month (which works out to be 3 hours a day). They told us it would save us about $40/month. Suddenly, picking up the phone and calling overseas now seems as cheap as calling next door. Now that, my friends, is a good deal. Thanks, Telecom.


Esther Irwin said...

Hey Kristi, why not use Skype? it's free if it's computer to computer or about .02 to call a land line. we use it all the time to talk and if you use the webcam, it's really great to see people whilst you are talking to them. the connections are usually pretty good.

Kristi Walsh said...

I'm actually not a massive skype fan - NZ internet is too dodgy, and I find it way easier to pick up the phone and dial a number, rather than be tied down to the computer with headphones on. Especially for only $45 a month!