Sunday, March 11, 2007

A whole bunch of random thoughts

It's hard to believe the weekend has come....and gone. Some friends of ours from Wellington came up here to Tauranga for the weekend, and stayed with us last night. We had a great time catching up with them and really enjoyed having them here.

It's been great having Aaron home these last several days. Life has still been pretty full-on, but it has been full-on together, which is always more fun than living life full-on apart! This week he goes back to Wellington, and then will be home for a couple of weeks. As much as I miss him when he's gone, I can definitely tell that there is lots of grace for us in this season, for which I am so thankful.

Speaking of being thankful, I was home with Taylor the other morning just going about my day when I started thinking about all that has happened this last year and how the Lord has led us so kindly, and I was just so grateful. I realized that so many of the things that are just "normal life" for us now weren't guaranteed to us when we moved here, and how the Lord has given above and beyond what we ever could have thought. I mean, when we moved here, we knew the Lord had called us, but we didn't know how anything would turn out. We didn't know if we'd make any friends. We didn't know if the internship would be a failure. We didn't know if anyone would show up. We didn't know if I would hate it here and miserable. We didn't know if we would see any growth, or if there would be years of painful 'sowing' before we saw the fruit of our labor. I guess it just struck me that things could have easily turned out so differently than they did, and I am so, so grateful to the Lord that He has been with us and that it hasn't been nearly as hard here as it could have been. That's not to say we haven't had difficult moments, but really - things could have been so much worse than they have actually been.

Now, that's a good realization to have.


Esther Irwin said...

We are grateful that you guys heard the call and came. You are much appreciated.

Anonymous said...

This is such an encouraging reminder, Kristi. Within one year, my husband and I got married, moved across the country, raised support & began full-time ministry at the House of Prayer, got pregnant, bought a house and had a baby one month after our 1st anniversary. There have been moments, but truly, it could have turned out so differently. God is SOO abundantly good and faithful, and I am amazed at how He has poured out grace in every season of transition in my life. I realized upon reading this post that I need to praise Him even more for the favor He has mercifully shown us.

Kristi Walsh said...

Wow, Song. Sounds like it's been quite the year (or two) for you guys! It's amazing how God is so competent and kind in His leadership over our lives; orchestrating every detail, and blessing us abundantly in the process. This is part of the history in God that we get to build in this season. How fun is that?!