Monday, March 26, 2007

A different sort of day

It all started at 6:30am when there was an accident on the main road right outside our house. Someone hit the power pole, creating quite a bit of damage to the power lines. As a result, we spent the whole morning and the better part of the afternoon without power today. I'm going to confess that it was actually really nice - having no phone and internet for a few hours wasn't such a bad thing! Aaron occasionally takes Monday mornings off, because we don't have any other morning off during the whole week. So today he stayed home with Taylor while I went up the mount and then ran a bunch of errands around town. The rest of the morning was really quite restful, with no work able to be done.

Tomorrow some good friends from the States come into town to see us! We're really looking forward to having them here and to be able to spend some good time with them. It's going to be quite a busy (but very fun!) week.

Speaking of tomorrow, it will be here sooner than I'm ready, which means it's time for me to be off to bed - something I should have done a while ago!

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