Saturday, March 31, 2007

Back on board

I know, I know. I am painfully aware of my blog-neglect over the last several days. In case you've been wondering where I've been, let me tell you: deeply enjoying the company of friends from back home. Mike and Robbie and their son have been visiting us this week, and we have had a terrific time clocking in hours with them, as well as introducing them to some of our friends from here to help give them an idea of what we're doing and who we're doing it with. In this process, we've enjoyed entertaining a handful of our friends in our home, some of whom haven't been around to our place for a long time. Nothin' like a good excuse for a dinner party!

I was expecting that this week would be our chance to bless Mike and Robbie and help them have a great vacation here in NZ; but it actually has felt more like they have been the ones pouring into us, simply by being who they are and loving us well. They are an amazing couple. I feel refreshed, encouraged, and believed-in. Needless to say, it's been a fun week.

They've gone this evening to see some more of the country, but we'll meet up with them one last time next Friday in Auckland before they fly back home. What will we be doing in Auckland next Friday (besides seeing them?). Well, because you asked, Aaron leaves to go to Fiji tomorrow. He gets in late Thursday night, so I'll drive up to Auckland to pick him up, and we'll spend the night up there. Busy, busy, busy! We have a few days off over Easter, which I think we're desperately ready for.

Speaking of Easter, I have grandeous ambitions of producing some homemade peirgois and perhaps some other Polish food (traditional Warren family Easter fare) next Sunday, but in the same breath I will also confess that those ambitions could easily remain just that - ambitions with little or no energy to turn them into reality. I have to say, lamb roast, piergois, and poppy seed bread does sound like a pretty yummy Easter dinner......


Esther Irwin said...

Hey Kristi, we have a spare room if you want to come by and stay the night. Feel free to use it anytime you are in Auckland.

Anonymous said...

You are fully released to whatever fits for Easter. Traditions are great but freedom is better.

But if you make 'em, I'm coming to your house for dinner!! PW

Kelsey Bohlender said...

I vote that someone serves you Easter dinner because you deserve it! And keep calling because one of these days we are actually going to get to talk and I can't wait to play catch up.....LOVE YOU!!!!