Friday, March 23, 2007

Lots of sheep and no snakes

Many of you reading this may have already heard this story, but I'd bet there are a good number who haven't, so I thought I'd tell it. Every now and then I remember this story, and feel God 'winking' at me as I recall it. It's one of those that shouts the sovereignty of God to me if I'm ever doubting it, which makes me love Him all the more. I was thinking about this yesterday when I was outside with Taylor, and she was asking me if there were any snakes. It's always my delight to tell her no!

When I was a young child (say, 6 or 7), I had this strange obsession with sheep. For some reason, I loved them. They were my favorite animal. I had sheep calendars, stuffed animal sheep toys, little glass sheep on my dresser, sheep, sheep, sheep. And I hated snakes. Still do. So one day, randomly out of the blue, for some reason I say to my mom, "Mom, there should be a place where there are lots of sheep and no snakes. That would just be perfect!" To my complete surprise, she said, "There is a place. There's a island in the Pacific Ocean called New Zealand. And it has more sheep than people, and no snakes." I couldn't believe it. "Really?!" I asked. I couldn't fathom how there was not one snake hidden under one rock somewhere in the middle of the forest that no one knew was there. I thought for a moment. "Mommy?" I asked. "I want to go there someday." I went to the globe and found New Zealand, and was so disappointed, because it was soooo far away. I thought I'd never be able to go there. And from that time on throughout my childhood, I had this 'thing' for New Zealand. We had to buy kiwifruit - 'cuz they were from New Zealand. If the sticker on the apples said they were from New Zealand - we had to buy them. It wasn't a long or lasting obsession, but enough that I remember it.

Who ever would have known back then I would not only go there someday - but live there, too. Out of the mouth of babes.....and the gift of my own mother prophecying my future without even knowing it. Now that's sovereignty.


ariki said...

That's a brilliant story!!!! Loved it!

Jaime said...

Very neat. I'm smiling just thinking about how soverign and in control and loving God is and how we can see that through that story. Very cool. :-)

Anonymous said...

That's great, Kristi. When I was a little girl, learning the names and locations of all the states, I remember exclaiming to my dad, "Misery!? Who'd ever wanna live in a place called Misery!?" And, what d'ya know, I wound up in Missouri! God has a wonderful sense of humor! And, I must say, I've been pleasantly surprised by the beauties of the state of Misery.

Jordan and Jess said...

i love hearing that story.. i remember when i heard your testimony for the 1st time last year, i was like... "Wow.. God calls people places in really awesome/sovereign ways!"

love ya, girl


Anonymous said...

I love this story, Kristi! Karina