Thursday, March 15, 2007

A cross-cultural experience

I've spent this evening at a local marae (Maori meeting house) to attend a fundraising dessert for an emerging ministry in the city that is focused on reaching Maori (both saved and unsaved). They have a new and innovative approach to disciple Maori in a context that is non-threatening and familiar, modeling to them a way to maintain the beauty and uniqueness of their culture while still living an authentic expression of Christianity in daily life.

The evening definitely was a cross-cultural affair! Being on a marae is a unique expereince in and of itself, as there is nothing quite like it in Western culture. Many of the speaches, prayers, and songs were spoken/sung in Maori (and in English as well); and although I have very little idea what they are saying (except for the occasional word here and there), it's such a beautiful language and I love to listen to it being spoken. For a few moments this evening, I felt like a "real" missionary, as I definitely found myself in the midst of a different culture, language, etc!

It was a really fun night, and I left with excitement in my spirit as we heard what the Lord is doing in our city and how He is raising up the Maori to be a clear voice both here in New Zealand and in the nations of the world. They are a people with a definite calling to express a part of the heart of God that no other culture has the ability to express, and it's a privilege to see the beginnings of that emerging.

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