Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Castles in the sand

Every night when we put Taylor to bed, we ask her what her favorite part of the day was. Before she even answers, she turns the question around on us and we have to tell her our favorite part of the day. So, in the spirit of a bedtime "chat", here was my answer to the question today:

Playing in the sand with Taylor on the beach. I have to admit that I really did miss playing in the snow with her in what would have just been our American winter, but I guess I really don't have too many complaining rights. I never would have had today's fun in Kansas City, 1500 miles away from either ocean. (Does Galvaston count as a real beach?). Anyways, Nic and I went up the mount today, and since Aaron is out of town, that means Taylor came, too. But instead of climbing halfway up with us today, she decided to bring her sand toys and play on the beach with us. We made a sand castle (or should I say, I made the sand castle. Despite her desire to build one, when it came right down to it, she wasn't too interested). I guess the other sand toys were more attractive today, for some reason.

Aaron comes home tomorrow - yeah! Can't wait to have him home again.....and someone else is really looking forward to going to the airport to pick up her daddy!

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