Monday, March 05, 2007

The Nightwatch

I have less than 10 minutes to go before my self-imposed 11pm this will be a short post. :-)

I've just been emailing this evening one of my dear friends who did (and still does) the nightwatch at IHOP-KC. We actually did the nightwatch together waaay back in the day....which seems like a lifetime ago now. As I was emailing her, I remembered a verse that was so real to our small nightwatch community back then: Psalm 143, " Behold, bless the Lord, All you servants of the Lord, Who by night stand in the house of the Lord! Lift up your hands in the sanctuary, And bless the Lord. The Lord who made heaven and earth Bless you from Zion!" Oh, the unique blessing that is promised to those who stand by night in His house!

Thinking of this made me reflect on my own nightwatch days - those months in which so many memories were created; when so much of who I am today was formed on the inside of me. It also reminded me how highly I esteem those who are still laboring in intercession through the night in Kansas City. And it also made me long for the day when the nightwatch is birthed here in New Zealand. Blessed is the city who has worshippers and intercessors crying out before the Throne even through the night. And I'm unashamedly jealous to see that here someday.

So....if there are any nightwatchers out there who are reading this, thank you for your labors. And may the Lord bless you from Zion!


Anonymous said...

Had Aaron at our church on Sunday night, what an inspirational man of God.
He spoke pretty simplistic, but on the other hand deep stuff.

Was good to hear the passion and desire he has for this nation expressed through what he spoke on.

Kristi Walsh said...

Yeah, I think he's pretty awesome, too! :-)

Anonymous said...

Kristi, I just ran across this post. I have a feeling a know who that night watcher was you were emailing the other day!! :-) Anyway, I just wanted to say thank you for the encouragement. The Lord has really been speaking to us this verse as a night watch (we are in the middle of a 90 day consecration around this very subject). Thank you so much for praying for us! You definitely have an inheritance in what the Lord is doing here. Would you believe the interns run up to the chairs at 3:45am so they can get in line to pray?? A far cry from the days when all the singers would have to pray on the mic as well! Much love to you and Aaron. You guys are part of what is happening today. Alisha

Wendy said...

Kristi, came across your blog, it's Wendy, the NZer doing the night watch in KC at the moment.....but do dream of the day when I do the night watch in NZ! (I've been thinking about it ALOT lately!) Just thinking about awakening the dawn in "God's Zone" makes me smile!

Blessings to you!